AAccreditation ACCREDIA N° 034B
Certification applicable to
ICEC product certification is issued in conformity with national UNI standards, specific for use destination of the finished leathers, or with international standards for leather sector or with producers' technical specification.
It permits to communicate to the customer, in a clear way, the chemical, phisical and fastness performances of the product and to ensure their temporal continuity. It includes the evaluation of the quality guarantee system of the company (i.e. ISO 9001), in particular regarding the supply and the production characteristics of the article, as a further element of control, of conformity guarantee for the customer and of production standardization.
Moreover, it guarantees the respect of the main chemical requirements about consumers' health and safety (essential characteristics in voluntary standards in leather sector).
Product certification can be applied to any kind of finished leather, because there is a normative requirement for any use destination (i.e.: footwear, leather goods, furniture, apparel). Otherwise it can be personalised in agreement with the requesting company, through an ad hoc technical specification including its requirements.
ICEC can provide a specialised service for leather sector companies, through product certification accredited by Accredia (accreditation nr. 034/B).
To perform the analysis ICEC uses only qualified leather sctor laboratories..For more information download the qualified laboratory list.
Today many companies in leather sector certified their products with ICEC, identifying them with ICEC logo, that is an indicator of leather quality.
For the companies having a Quality Management System ISO 9001 certified by ICEC thare is an economical and temporal discount for the product certification audit. This facilitation is also for the companies, having already a certified product, which request the certification for other articles.
All the companies certified by ICEC are in the certified companies database